Human trafficking generates $150 billion a year in profits, but only an estimated $124 million is spent world wide to combat this global injustice. Human trafficking is often referred to as the business of “Modern Day Slavery.” Human Traffickers will hunt children to befriend and lure them with drugs or money, or by offering false hope of a better life. Instead of a better life, victims are stripped of their dignity and self-worth as they are violated and raped by as many as 14-15 times per day. This degradation can cause the victim to suffer a mental breakdown, lead to suicidal ideations, and create a darkness in spirit. According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, 1 in 6 runaways is a victim of Human Trafficking. The result can lead to an inability to establish meaningful relationships, learn a trade, hold meaningful employment, and create a lack of socialization skills.